We learnt that, when managing that kind of a House, we need to fully devote ourselves and be ready to make many sacrifices. We don’t want to complain, but we are aware that without support of goodwill people with God’s heart, it wouldn’t be possible. Our whole time, because we are living with our proteges, we dedicate to this duty. To be able to effectively help people we need support from outside, especially in financial realm. For the time being we have few important investments, which we need to take care of. Car is the most urgent needs for now.
We also need to find found for salaries of our Full-time volunteers that are the House staff in Winiarczykówce. However, the most important and the most expensive, at the moment, is the construction of household sewage, it’s the cost of 50 000 PLN (12500 euro) – we must carry out this investment as soon as possible, it’s a necessity. Monthly costs of garbage disposal are for us a huge amount, about 2000 PLN (500 euro). During the summer, it is somewhat lower , but they get higher in the winter because then the house fills up to the brim. That is why we are asking for financial sacrifices. We recived donations of 21 000 PLN ( 5250 euro ) to the current month – September 2014, we still lack 29 000 PLN ( 7250 euro ).
We beg for alms. We believe that in this way LORD JESUS CHRIST will be glorified. We don’t ask for that money for ourselves, but for those who this help. We are asking for that with hope and faith that you may want to wish to participate in this good work. We also believe in the truth of these words:
Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done. Proverbs 19:17
Best Regards, Employees of Teen Challenge Winiarczykówka
Bank account No. for foreign investors:
Teen Challenge Winiarczykowka
IBAN: PL 93 1240 1574 1111 0010 5339 9004
And in the title of the operation it should be written : household sewage